
New Haven Free Public Library Wilson Branch
New Haven, CT

In collaboration with:
Lindsay Duddy
The outbreak of COVID-19 both exacerbated and made increasingly visible existing social and economic inequalities. Safety measures to prevent the spread of the virus suddenly made public “third spaces” - such as libraries and community learning centers - inaccessible. These places provide safe and inclusive space for individuals to learn, exchange ideas and bulid relationships.

Access to free books and reading sources to underpriviledged members of our community can help to explain racism, protest and celebrate racial diversity. It is important, as designers, to help provide these opportunities to our local community.

This design for the Wilson Branch of New Haven’s Free Public Library helps to provide an intimate, accesible, safe space in which educational programs can extend outside the confines of the existing bulding. The structure is versatile and adaptable, comprised of units that can be organized into various different configurations based on programmatic needs.

Architecture and Design
